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ODOT Reminds Campaigners Political Signs are Prohibited on Highway Right-of-Ways
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As the May 21st election draws near, campaigns and their friends should remember that the Oregon Department of Transportation will remove political signs posted on state highway right-of-ways. Every election season, ODOT receives complaints from the public and from candidates regarding the improper placement of political signs on state right-of-ways, where only official traffic control devices are allowed. Officials say improperly placed signs can distract drivers and block road safety messages. Wrongly placed signs will be taken down and held at a nearby ODOT district maintenance office for 30 days. If not picked up, they will be disposed of. Signs are prohibited on trees, utility poles, fence posts and natural features within highway right-of-ways. They are also prohibited within view of a designated scenic area. The width of the state highway right-of-ways can vary considerably depending on the specific location. If you're uncertain whether you're placing a sign on private property or a highway right-of-way, check with your local ODOT district office.
Posted on 4/12/24 5:59AM by Sam Marsh

GP Residents Encouraged to Attend Monday Arbor Day Celebration at Garrison Field
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Grants Pass residents are encouraged to attend the city's Arbor Day Celebration early next week. The Grants Pass Arbor Day Celebration starts at 10 a.m. Monday at Garrison Field, which is located at 2482 Williams Highway behind Deano's Diner. City officials will be planting a tree at Garrison Field during the event. City staff will also be planting a total of 30 trees in the Historic Downtown District as part of the statewide celebration of Arbor Month. The City of Grants Pass has announced that the 2024 Tree Canopy Program is now open for applications. For $50, city staff will plant a tree in your front yard. Please apply by November 1st to be eligible for the fall and winter planting season. Trees are limited and available -- pending application approval -- on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, e-mail "tree@grantspassoregon.gov."
Posted on 4/12/24 5:58AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Jailed Man on Statewide Felony Warrant after Southeast City Patrol
Grants Pass Police jailed a man on a statewide felony warrant last night after a routine patrol check near the Parkway in the southeast part of the city. The Police Department reports officers arrested the 32-year-old male subject near the corner of East Park Street and Parkdale Drive on Wednesday at 8:05 p.m.. Police said they were on patrol when they spotted the man walking down Parkdale and knew that he was wanted on an Oregon State Parole Board warrant for Felony Parole Violation. The underlying conviction was not disclosed. The suspect was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer. Jail records show the man has been arrested three times for violating his post-prison supervision since August of last year.
Posted on 4/11/24 11:18AM by Sam Marsh

OSP Snared Motorist on Outstanding Bench Warrant after Highway 199 Stop
The Oregon State Police arrested a motorist on an outstanding warrant last night during a traffic stop on Redwood Highway near Hayes Hill. According to OSP, troopers pulled over a Subaru Forester driven by a 36-year-old woman from McCloud, California, near milepost 17 of US Highway 199 at about 8:50 p.m. Wednesday. Troopers said they stopped the driver due to observed traffic violations and quickly learned that she was wanted on a local bench warrant for failing to appear in court for an unspecified criminal allegation. The motorist was cited to appear in court on the warrant as well as for the traffic violations. She was then released from custody.
Posted on 4/11/24 11:16AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Cited Motorist after Rollover Wreck into Ditch in Colonial Valley Area
The Oregon State Police cited a motorist after he crashed his vehicle into a ditch in the Colonial Valley area yesterday. OSP reports troopers and emergency personnel responded to the single-vehicle rollover wreck near the intersection of Highland Avenue and Donaldson Road on Wednesday at 12:55 p.m.. Troopers said witness and driver statements indicated the 27-year-old man was driving a Lexus RX3 north on Highland when he briefly took his eyes off the road, which caused him to go into the ditch and roll over. The driver was transported by AMR Ambulance to Three Rivers Medical Center for treatment of suspected minor injuries. The wrecked Lexus was towed to Grants Pass. Following an investigation, the driver was cited for No Operator's License. He was also warned for Failure to Drive Within Lane and Careless Driving.
Posted on 4/11/24 11:14AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Collared Young Man on Local Warrant during Park Patrol Check
Grants Pass Police arrested a young man on an outstanding warrant at Tussing Park last night. According to the Police Department, officers contacted the 20-year-old man at the city park on West Park Street on Wednesday around 7:20 p.m.. Police said they recognized the male subject from several prior law enforcement contacts and a records check showed that he was wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for Disorderly Conduct. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail. While at Tussing Park, officers warned one person for tent spikes and another person for smoking in their tent.
Posted on 4/11/24 11:13AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested 1, Cited Several & Evicted 6 Campers from City Parks
Grants Pass Police arrested one camper on an outstanding warrant, cited several more for ordinance violations and evicted a total of six during park patrol checks on Wednesday. At Riverside Park, officers arrested a 47-year-old woman for trespassing and a narcotics violation. She had been trespassed from the park on April 8th and was still there yesterday. She was also found to be in possession of a methamphetamine pipe that was seized for destruction and then lodged at the Josephine County Jail. At Baker Park, one woman was cited for Illegal Camping and Improper Utilization of Open Space while another woman was cited for drug possession. Both were trespassed from the park for 30 days. At Tussing Park, a man and woman were cited for Buffer Zone Violation and Scattering Rubbish. Both were issued 30-day park exclusions. At Morrison Centennial Park, a man was cited for Scattering Rubbish and he was trespassed from the facility for 30 days. A total of 81 campsites were posted in the four parks and an e-mail was sent to the United Community Action Network (UCAN).
Posted on 4/11/24 11:11AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Trespassed Man from Interstate 5 Rest Area Due to Camping Violation
The Oregon State Police trespassed a man from an Interstate 5 rest stop in the North Valley area early yesterday. According to OSP, troopers responded to a trespassing complaint at the south Manzanita Rest Area on Wednesday at 8:49 a.m.. Troopers said rest area workers requested the 60-year-old man be trespassed from the rest area due to a camping violation. He was excluded from the facility for three days per the employees' request. The rest area camper advised OSP that he wanted to go to the hospital because he was unable to walk, so an ambulance transported him to Three Rivers Medical Center for an evaluation. Troopers contacted the Oregon Department of Human Services' Elder Division Hotline regarding the homeless man's situation.
Posted on 4/11/24 11:09AM by Sam Marsh
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Sheriff Jailed Man for Five Felony Crimes But Has Not Provided Explanation
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a man on five felony-level charges this week, but has so far not provided any explanation for the arrest. Josephine County Jail records show deputies arrested the 30-year-old man early Tuesday morning. He was booked into jail at 6:26 a.m.. Charges filed against the suspect included two counts of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle, plus single counts of 1st-Degree Burglary, 2nd-Degree Burglary and 1st-Degree Theft. He was being without bail. The Sheriff's Office regularly omits serious crime arrests in its Daily Log. The agency failed to produce any daily logs over the past few days even though jail records show arrests were made by local deputies. Dispatchers reported the lack of a press log over the last several days was due to "some database software issues."
Posted on 4/11/24 6:19AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Incarcerated Trio for Outlandish Behavior in 3 Separate Incidents
Grants Pass Police arrested three people for their outlandish behavior in three separate incidents on the same day this week. According to the Police Department, the first incident occurred shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday at Radio Design Group on NW E Street. Police said a 57-year-old man was acting in a violent manner while trying to push open the door to the business. His actions caused an employee to be in fear, so they called 9-1-1 for assistance. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Disorderly Conduct. The second incident happened shortly after 9 a.m. Tuesday when officers were alerted to a woman disturbing multiple businesses on Redwood Highway. Police said the 34-year-old woman's behavior was the reason for eight calls for service in a short period of time. She was reported to be threatening to kill people and yelling obscenities while causing public alarm. She also kicked and hit doors. The suspect was lodged in jail for Disorderly Conduct. The third incident took place at 11:36 a.m. Tuesday when officers responded to a disturbance near the corner of NW 6th Street and Hillcrest Drive. Police said a 38-year-old man was throwing rocks at traffic and struck a vehicle on the passenger-side door. He was also said to be lunging at passing cars. The suspect was lodged in jail for Disorderly Conduct and his belongings were placed in safe-keeping.
Posted on 4/11/24 6:18AM by Sam Marsh
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Egg Incubators Believed to be Cause of Fire that Destroyed Applegate Home
Investigators believe egg incubators may be the cause of a fire that destroyed a home in the Applegate Valley earlier this week. On Monday afternoon, the Applegate Valley Fire District responded to a reported structure fire on Slagle Creek Road. Prior to arrival, the lead engine upgraded the response to a second alarm based on the smoke observed from about a mile away from the incident location. It brought in additional resources from Rural Metro Fire Department and the Williams Rural Fire Protection District. Upon arrival, crews reported a single-family residential structure that was fully-involved with flames. Fortunately, both of the residents were out of the structure which was a total loss due to the extent of fire damage. The investigation revealed that the most likely cause of the fire was from egg incubators in the living room of the home. Fire departments around the nation respond to numerous fires each year related to heating devices associated with the production of chickens. Officials say it is often because of overloaded circuits, heat lamps or faulty extension cords.
Posted on 4/11/24 6:14AM by Sam Marsh
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Illinois Valley FD Extinguished Illegal Outdoor Burn near Hayes Hill Summit
The Illinois Valley Fire District extinguished an illegal outdoor debris burn near the summit of Hayes Hill early yesterday. On Wednesday at 6:42 a.m., IVFD crews were dispatched to a fire near the intersection of Old Redwood Highway and Hayes Hill Road. Arriving units found an unattended open burn pile with illegal materials near the Hayes Hill rock pit. Crews quickly put out and mopped up the small fire. Officials said there are number of transient camps in the area and some of the inhabitants of those camps likely started the blaze.
Posted on 4/11/24 6:12AM by Sam Marsh
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